Melissa’s cancer story began with her mom, who lived well metastatic breast cancer for fifteen years. She endured surgeries, radiation, and chemotherapy treatments without complaint, always seeking to live the life that God had given her to the fullest. She practiced gratitude. A life-long learner, she was Melissa’s first nutrition client, and she still inspires Melissa’s work.

Melissa’s cancer story became even more personal when her dear husband was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Follicular lymphoma. She already knew that diet and lifestyle interventions could improve her husband’s health outcomes and quality of life, but which ones? Which diet should they follow? There is SO MUCH conflicting oncology nutrition advice out there. Her education and mentorship from the Oncology Nutrition Institute provided the knowledge for her to answer those questions.

She understands what a cancer diagnosis means to a person and their loved ones. There is the initial shock of diagnosis, and then the overwhelm of doctor appointments, treatment decisions, food choices, etc. It is her calling to support those anywhere on their cancer journey. She loves to help people make hope-filled nutrition and lifestyle changes that will help them to thrive!

Melissa received her BS in Business Administration from Boise State University. She received her formal nutrition education through the Nutritional Therapy Association, the Oncology Nutrition Institute, and the Functional Supplement Academy, and she continues to study, research, and collaborate with other like-minded practitioners.